
by Alexandra Mansilla

Anti-party In Dubai’s Most Hidden Places. Meet Moist Paper Party

23 Jan 2025

Photo: Moist Paper Party x Analog The Room

Once, two guys with almost identical names — Cyrill and Kirill — met and decided to create something completely new for Dubai’s party scene. Both had been DJing for years. Both were endlessly curious and had explored every corner of the city. And both wanted to bring something new to the table.
That is how Moist Paper Party was born. Each event takes place in a location you would never imagine exists in Dubai. And how do Cyrill Reaidy and Kirill Zhan find these places? By walking for hours, exploring, and testing the spaces themselves. The more hidden and unexpected the location, the better.
— Hello Cyrill and Kirill! First off, how did you two meet? I would love to hear the stories from each of you.
Cyrill Reaidy: Four or five years ago, “Kirill Zhan” added me on Facebook. And I was like, “Who is he, and why is he stealing my name?”
A couple of years later, we finally met at a friend’s house, started talking about music and parties, and hit it off right away.
Then we started inviting each other to play at the parties we were organising — first a private party he hosted, then one at my place, and later, a stage in the desert, which was an incredible experience.
From there, we started talking about creating something together. At first, I was completely against it. I kept saying, "I just want to DJ; I don’t want to organise anything." But he encouraged me a lot, and eventually, I thought, "Maybe this is the right time to try something new." That is how it all started!
Kirill Zhan: From my perspective, it went like this: back in 2018 or 2019, I was organising events at Analog Room, and Cyrill had played there a few times. He was also a resident at Boogie Box, so he was already a pretty significant name in the scene.
I remember seeing him and thinking, "This guy looks cool, and his name is so similar to mine." We first met at a friend’s house, and from that moment on, we were connected. We started hanging out, talking, and spending more time together. We lived close to each other — almost like neighbours — and eventually, we actually became neighbours, but that is a whole other story.
— Do you have any inside jokes about your almost identical names?
Cyrill Reaidy: All the time. At one point, we both had shaved heads and moustaches, which made it even funnier. Sometimes, when we are out looking for venues, I get excited like a kid just waiting for the moment when we introduce ourselves as Cyrill and Kirill. I feel like people get confused, maybe thinking we are just greeting them in another language. Even though the names are different, they sound so similar that people mix them up.
Kirill Zhan: A lot of people mix us up. For example, Jayesh from Vinyl Souk sometimes calls me Cyrill instead of Kirill!
I actually like it. Cyrill feels like my other half — my soulmate. So, I don’t mind at all when someone calls me by his name.
— Okay, great! So, we know what Kirill does — let us call him, well, the ambassador of sunflower seeds. Cyrill, and what is your full-time job?
Cyrill Reaidy: I worked in advertising and marketing for almost 10 years. My last job was at Twitter, where I was a marketing manager for the final three years of my office career.
Currently, I am dedicated full-time to the music industry as a whole. It is a mix of different things: part of it is my DJing, part of it is organising my own events, and the third part is renting out my sound system. In 2023, I started a small company, Sawt Systems, a group of DJs and sound engineers — and we work together to set up parties, social events, community functions, and things like that.

Photo: Moist Paper Party x Analog The Room

— Moist Paper Party — why this name?
Kirill Zhan: We love going to Bur Dubai to look for unusual locations. When we were about to head home after hours of scouting, Cyrill noticed that we were parked right next to a hotel that we didn’t check out We got inside — and the atmosphere was so weird! There were random tiny Indian bars, and it felt like we weren’t even in Dubai anymore.
We went into each of the bars. On the first floor, we walked into one that was completely covered in this old wallpaper from the 80s, like the kind you see in ancient hotels. And that place could be cleared to create the intimate dancefloor that we were looking for. We sat down, got drinks, and thought, "This is it. We should host here."
The name Moist Paper Party came later. Among our friends, there was already a joke about calling a night Moist, so it ended up on the list. The Paper part was inspired by the wallpaper in that space.
Cyrill Reaidy: And finally, we added “Party” to seal the deal and own the name. Both as a "party of people" and "party as an event." So, it became Moist Paper Party. It is completely unique, playful, and not too serious, which really reflects the way we approach the project. At its core, it is all about fun — being loose, unapologetic, and just doing your thing. That is really the vibe we wanted to capture.
— Moist Paper Party is an anti-party. What does that mean?
Cyrill Reaidy: The idea behind what we do is tied to exploring the old neighbourhoods of Dubai, venturing to the far ends of the city to find quirky, unconventional venues. It is about pulling people out of their comfort zones, away from the usual venues and routine experiences.
One of our core values is bringing people out of the everyday "Dubai experience" into something entirely different. In these neighbourhoods, the streets are alive at 3 am — people biking around, and the energy feels raw and real. Even the journey to our parties becomes part of the experience — you might get lost, see something unexpected, or feel completely out of your element. It is meant to be an adventure, just like it was for us when we were scouting for venues.
For many people, it is their first time stepping into these neighbourhoods, let alone partying in them. There is always a sense of novelty and discovery tied to attending a Moist Paper Party.
Kirill Zhan: One thing that really captivates me is that in many European cities, or the cities we come from, there is always an old neighbourhood with historical value — places with a sense of time and history. For many people in Dubai, it feels like there is nothing like that here, that everything is focused on the modern. But that is not true. It is just that the time hasn’t come for it yet. The buildings in some neighbourhoods, built in the ‘60s and ‘70s, are now reaching a point where they are becoming vintage, holding an atmosphere of a time that has already passed.
There is so much beauty and history in these areas! For us, it is really important to bring people along on this journey. In Old Dubai, you get a glimpse of something completely different.
I remember the first event we held there — people were so surprised to see things they never even imagined existed in Dubai. Indian dance bars, local bars where workers gather after their shifts — it is a side of Dubai that many of us living in New Dubai don’t see or experience. It is a completely different world, and it has its own charm and character.
As Cyrill said, it is always an adventure, and it starts with our adventure. Every time we scout for venues, we have a drink, discover something new, meet new people, and explore places we never knew existed. And each neighbourhood, each spot, tells a different story
I also remember another venue we used — it was an Indian restaurant with a closed terrace and a black door. Families were inside eating dinner with a live singer performing. But if you opened the black door, it was a completely different world. A dark room with a makeshift bar, a dance floor, smoke everywhere — it was absolutely crazy.
Honestly, every single event we have done feels so fulfilling. You go home afterwards thinking, "I can’t believe we pulled that off. I can’t believe this actually happened." And seeing people smiling, enjoying themselves, and loving the vibe — it is super rewarding.

Unexpected things sometimes happen at Moist Paper Party. Photo: Moist Paper Party x Analog The Room

— Knowing how much paperwork is involved in organising parties in Dubai — I mean, in typical venues popular for hosting events — how difficult is it to arrange a party on the other side of town?
Kirill Zhan: We have had so many moments where things fell apart at the last minute. The rules in Old Dubai and New Dubai are so different. In New Dubai, everything is by the book: licensing, permits, you name it. But Old Dubai? It is like the Wild West. Things just operate how they operate. It is almost all based on luck and personal relationships — without that, nothing happens.
We have had some really tough situations. Once, we planned to host a party in a pool. Then, 12 hours before the event, we got a call: “There’s an inspection coming; we can’t do this.” It was chaos. We already had postponed two previous parties. Cyrill and I didn’t sleep that night, trying to find alternatives.
Finally, we remembered another outdoor pool nearby. There was water in it, but we thought it might work. I reached out to the owners and practically begged them to let us use it. By noon, we finally got confirmation: we could drain the pool and host the event there.
Even then, it was a mad scramble. A few hours before the event, the pool was still not empty. So, there we were, me, Cyrill, Animesh, and some of the hotel staff, inside the pool with buckets, frantically finishing the job ourselves.
Finally, the last bit of water was out, and we rushed to set up. We connected the DJ booth and hit play at 10 pm. We were all wet, drenched in sweat and exhausted, with just the monitors running at first while Animesh and a couple of guest volunteers set up the rest of the system.
Cyrill Reaidy: I would put on a track while Kirill adjusted one light, then he would put on a track, and I would adjust another light. That day, people also started arriving early, and we were like, “Guys, not today!”
Kirill Zhan: The pool was probably the wildest thing we pulled off — draining it, setting it up, and shocking people. It felt like the pinnacle of what we could do at the time.
At our last event, we walked in, and suddenly, none of the power sockets were working. So, it is a constant problem-solving game. People only see the final product, but it is a whole different story behind the scenes.
By now, we have learned how to handle these situations and manage the damage. We have kind of figured out how to assess things more calmly — we don’t panic as much anymore.
— So, you are always looking for places to throw a party. Now, just try to imagine the most insane place you would love to organise a party — it can be anything, even something completely unrealistic. What would it be?
Cyrill Reaidy: It could be an abandoned warehouse. Yeah, that would be sick.
Kirill Zhan: Maybe an abandoned theme park or something like this! Like an old, forgotten hotel that no one would ever imagine hosting a party in. Even a rooftop could work — something with a completely unique setting and vibe, filled with unexpected details.

Photo: Moist Paper Party x Analog The Room

— People never know what music they are going to hear at your parties, right? It is always a surprise. Kirill once mentioned that he even played Triagrutrika, a Russian rap band that was big in the 2010s. Have there been other moments like this? Tracks, bands, or anything surprising you have played that you knew would definitely impress the crowd?
Kirill Zhan: I remember the last thing I pulled off that felt on the same level — it was DJ Gruv’s remix of Propaganda. It is such a funny track, and it is always hilarious to see the reactions on Russian-speaking faces when it comes on. Everyone is super confused but also really happy to hear it.
Whenever Cyrill and I play together, we push ourselves in different directions. We might have the same core style, but we always bring our own unique twists. I will pull in a Russian track, and he will bring in something Arabic. Then we will throw in some Algerian track or even something from a random island because why not? It is always so inspiring. There is so much depth in music — it is like a never-ending ocean!
That mix of different influences and unexpected tracks creates something really special. It is not just about the music but the experience, the adventure, and the freedom to explore all kinds of sounds. It is what makes it so exciting for us and, hopefully, for everyone who comes to our parties.
Cyrill Reaidy: We always try to add something unexpected to our sets. I remember at our first party, so many people were shocked when they heard certain tracks, saying, “This is the first time I’ve heard this here.”
We can start with a baseline of electronic music, mixing in hidden gem artists from around the world — artists that no one expects we would even think to include. Then there is the music that ties back to our own backgrounds and cultures. Sometimes, it is something nostalgic, like a track from the ’90s or even a remix of a children’s song, that takes people completely by surprise.
Or maybe a folk track or something super niche from the internet world in Russia — something so obscure that no one would have ever heard of it. Or a specific subgenre from somewhere unexpected, like Croatia or something like that. These are the kinds of tracks that are completely unheard of here.
Sometimes, we like to take risks and throw in tracks that are totally unrelated to electronic music — like hardcore punk and metal. And that is when people really lose it. They go crazy because it is so unexpected and breaks the mould of what they are used to hearing at a party. Those moments stand out and make the experience unforgettable.
That is part of why it is like an anti-party — it is all about thinking outside the box. For us as organisers and DJs, for the DJs who come to play, and even for the audience, it is a challenge. That is a big part of our ethos: challenging the music, challenging our own ears, and challenging the performers to step out of their comfort zones.
We aim to take people on a journey. When someone asks me, “What was the style Kirill was playing yesterday?” and I hear something like, “It was hard bass with a hint of jungle,” I feel like we have done our job. It shows that we have inspired someone to dig into something new.
But for us, it is not about education — it is about inspiration. I don’t like when people frame it as “educating the scene.” Sure, maybe we are doing that in some way, but the focus is on inspiring people, being on the same level, and sharing the greatness of music. It is not about rising above it or reinventing the wheel; it is about being the medium that helps keep it moving forward. That is what it is all about for us.

Photo: Moist Paper Party x Analog The Room

— You also mentioned that you are both fans of long DJ sets. Can you each share why they are so special to you?
Kirill Zhan: For me, it is really about having enough time to settle in when I play. I need that space to connect with the environment, the crowd, and the music. Longer DJ sets allow me to do that — they give me a chance to get more comfortable as the hours go by, and in turn, I can show more of what I want to express through my music.
One of the best things about long DJ sets is seeing the progression — not just in the music but in how people react. It is magical to watch the crowd transform. People start out sitting around the pool, and as the music evolves, they slowly gather on the dance floor, almost without realising it. The shift from listening to dancing is seamless, driven by the energy of the music.
I have even seen friends who say they don’t like techno or harder styles of music get into it without realising it. They are dancing, enjoying themselves, and connecting with the music in a way they didn’t expect. That is what I love about long sets — they give me the chance to build something meaningful and really take people on a journey.
Cyrill Reaidy: For me, DJing is one of my favourite things to do on Earth. Unlike many other things in life where you are waiting for the result, DJing is all about the journey. From the moment you start playing to the moment you finish, that is where the real experience lies. It is about having the time and space to build momentum and connect with the crowd.
Longer sets give you the ability to explore different styles. When you are playing for one hour, at most, you will juggle one or two styles. In a typical party, that might mean sticking to techno and its subgenres or deep house with a touch of electro at the end. The shorter the set, the more constricted you feel. There is no room for improvisation or storytelling.
With five, six, or even eight hours, things can take so many different directions. There is room for spontaneity. You can react to the crowd, which is constantly shifting — sometimes everyone moves to the bar, and then they come back. You are always observing the flow. Like, “Okay, in five or ten minutes, 50 people will probably come back,” and that is when we will crank things up.
DJing is about give and take, and the more time you have, the better you can craft your set and tell a story. A long set lets you create something meaningful, rather than just delivering a pre-packaged block of tracks and calling it done.

Photo: Moist Paper Party x Analog The Room

— One last question for Cyrill: I know you have Vladimir Vysotsky record. What is the story behind it?
Cyrill Reaidy: So, this record — I went to Kyiv in 2018, I think. I was there for five days, and I ended up spending three of them at this record shop called Diskultura. I hung out with the guy who worked there because I was in the shop for at least five hours a day.
One record that really stood out was by Vladimir Vysotsky. The cover immediately caught my attention — it looked so intense! I thought, “I have to listen to this.” I will admit I totally judged the record by its cover, especially since I was sifting through so much unfamiliar music.
The guy at the shop gave me some backstory — he said Vladimir was like Soviet Bob Dylan, a folk singer and a voice for the people. When I played it, it sounded incredible, even though I had no idea what he was singing about.

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