
by Alexandra Mansilla

Having a Panic Attack While DJing. KLO Opens Up

26 Jan 2025

You go to a party, enjoy the music a DJ — famous or not — is playing, and it always seems like they are relaxed, happy, and completely in their element. But that is not always the case. Sometimes, DJs experience anxiety before their set or even during their performance. In some cases, that anxiety can escalate into a full-blown panic attack.
That is exactly what happened to KLO — a DJ you have definitely heard of, a shining, chill, and genuinely kind person. We asked her to open up and share her experience.
For years, I put my head down and focused on honing my craft. It wasn’t easy, but slowly, things started to shift. I built trust with people in the industry and found my rhythm as a performer. I began to realise I had something special — a talent for creating energy on the dance floor, for connecting with people through music. I discovered my power and knew that this wasn’t just a job for me; it was my passion. And that passion carried me through all the doubts, nerves, and challenges that came with being a young woman in this industry.
Fast forward a few years, and I found myself in Dubai, ready to start fresh in a new country. It was exciting, but it came with a whole new set of challenges. I had to establish myself all over again, introduce myself to a new market, and prove to everyone why I deserved to be here. I poured all my energy into it — working a 9-to-5 marketing job during the day, then heading to gigs at night. The schedule was exhausting, but I was determined to make a name for myself.
One of my first major performances in Dubai was at Love Night at Soul Kitchen. It was my new residency, and I was thrilled about the opportunity. But that night, everything caught up with me — the stress of moving to a new country, the pressure to prove myself, and the physical exhaustion of my nonstop schedule. For the first time in my life, I had a panic attack while performing.
It was terrifying. My hands went numb, I felt dizzy, and my heart was pounding out of my chest. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the set. I ran to the bathroom, sat there, and tried to calm myself. I did breathing exercises, reminded myself that I had been through tough moments before, and focused on grounding myself. Somehow, I got back out there and finished the night.
That experience was a turning point for me. It was one of the hardest sets I have ever played, but it taught me that I am stronger than I think. I realised that even when anxiety tries to take over, I have the tools and resilience to face it. It was a lesson I carried with me moving forward — proof that I could handle even the most overwhelming moments.
Anxiety has always been part of my journey, especially in the early days. But over time, I have learned how to manage it. I avoid caffeine or anything that might make my heart race before a performance. Instead, I drink sparkling water with ice and lemon — it is a little trick that helps me stay calm. I also take time to disconnect from work and music on the day of a gig. Whether going for a walk, exercising, or listening to soul or R&B music, I focus on clearing my mind and grounding myself. Talking to my family or loved ones helps, too — they are my rock when things feel overwhelming.
Of course, there are still moments when anxiety creeps in. The rush of adrenaline before I start playing is normal, but I remind myself why I am here. I am doing this because I love it. Once I start playing, the crowd’s energy fuels me. I get into my zone, into my bubble, and the nerves melt away.
That night at Soul Kitchen wasn’t just the most nerve-wracking performance of my life — it was the night that taught me how to handle anxiety in this career. I learned that the physical symptoms, like shakiness and dizziness, are just temporary, and no one in the crowd notices them as much as I think they do. I also learned to lean on my support system. Whether calling my mom during a tough moment or getting advice from a trusted friend, having someone to turn to makes all the difference.
But the biggest lesson I have learned is that passion always outweighs anxiety. My love for music and performing is so much greater than any fear or doubt. The joy of connecting with people on the dance floor, of sharing energy through sound, is what keeps me going.
Looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. The challenges, the doubts, and even the panic attacks have all shaped me into the person and performer I am today. I have learned how to centre myself, embrace the chaos, and find strength in the hardest moments. Anxiety may be part of the journey, but it doesn’t define it. What defines it is the passion and love I have for what I do — and that is what keeps me going every single day.

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