
by Ashas Bukhari

Bayut And Property Finder Teamed Up With Abu Dhabi Real Estate Centre

1 May 2024

Last month, the Abu Dhabi Real Estate Centre (ADREC) joined forces with leading real estate websites, Bayut and Property Finder, to improve transparency, productivity, and decision-making within the real estate market in Abu Dhabi. But what does this mean for people looking into buying property in Abu Dhabi? Has it made a difference so far? And what can we expect in the future? Let us find out!

What was the partnership about?

Two MOUs were signed on March 18 by the centre and its partners in order to provide accurate and consistent purchase information for the end user through their combined websites. This collaboration was aimed at helping streamline the efforts of channel partners during a customer's purchasing process. The signing of these MOUs was slated to also have a positive impact on sector services and improve transparency in the Abu Dhabi real estate sector.
These partnerships are focused on improving the quality and efficiency of the real estate market, implementing state-of-the-art security measures for all stakeholders, providing transparent data to customers, and supporting the growth of the Abu Dhabi real estate sector. This includes organising programs and workshops to ensure industry professionals are following legal regulations and collecting important market information. Additionally, these partnerships will monitor real estate advertisements to ensure compliance with Abu Dhabi's Real Estate Regulatory Law and address any regulatory challenges, while promoting real estate services both locally and globally. By utilising data-driven collaboration, these partnerships also aim to provide valuable insights that support investment decision-making and increase transparency in the real estate sector.

What do these partnerships mean for customers?

After the signing, Bayut and Property Finder have been promoting Abu Dhabi as a premier investment location in the UAE. Potential buyers now have access to reliable and precise information to aid them in making informed decisions when buying property in Abu Dhabi. Not that false information was ever a problem before, but after this agreement, clients can rest assured that Bayut and Property Finder have the backing and trust of the Abu Dhabi Real Estate Center. This is not only a vote of confidence, but a huge step in making Abu Dhabi more accessible for people looking to buy Abu Dhabi homes. Bayut and Property Finder have also been organising various events and training sessions for real estate experts to ensure adherence to Abu Dhabi's Real Estate Regulatory Law.

Photo: Alicja Ziaj

Abu Dhabi’s real estate is booming

For the first quarter of 2024, Bayut completed a thorough examination of market trends and pricing changes in Abu Dhabi's sales and rental markets. A number of high-end areas have experienced an increase in sales prices, especially in luxurious neighbourhoods with high-end amenities and services, indicating strong demand within the market.
In conclusion, the Abu Dhabi real estate market is showing strong signs of growth and development. With favourable economic conditions, attractive payment plans for off-plan projects, and increasing demand from both local and international buyers, the future looks bright.

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