
by Dina Fares

The Journey Inside the Richard Mille Factory

16 Sept 2024

Photo: Fabien Nissels

Walking into the Richard Mille factory felt like stepping into a blend of a sci-fi movie set and a high-tech laboratory, where precision, innovation, and creativity meet in a dance of craftsmanship. As someone who appreciates fine watches, I knew I was about to witness something special, but the reality exceeded every expectation. I was not merely observing a watchmaker's workshop; I was about to embark on a journey that explored the very essence of time, luxury, and the future of watchmaking.


Photo: Jerome Bryon

Upon entering the factory, located in Les Breuleux, a serene village in the Swiss canton of Jura, I was struck by the sleek, modern design of the building. It seemed to echo the architectural minimalism often seen in Richard Mille's watches — an understated exterior that belied the extraordinary innovation within. The environment was quiet, almost clinical, yet buzzing with a quiet intensity — a place where passion and technology converge to create masterpieces.

The first stop on my tour was the Research and Development department. This is where the magic begins, where conceptual designs take shape before becoming tangible pieces. I watched designers sketching ideas with a dexterity that made it seem effortless. Every detail is painstakingly considered, from the shape of the case to the mechanics that drive the hands. Richard Mille’s ability to respect centuries-old Swiss watchmaking traditions while pushing innovation to its limits became immediately evident.


Photo: Fabien Nissels

I will pause here. Just consider this. Richard Mille, founded in just 2001, seems to have done the impossible, rapidly establishing itself as a leader in the fiercely competitive world of luxury watchmaking. Remember, this is a market traditionally dominated by brands with centuries-old legacies. In just over two decades, Richard Mille moved to the forefront of modern horology through its revolutionary designs, innovative use of materials, and unparalleled engineering precision. The brand's bold, avant-garde approach has set new standards in a field that thrives on heritage, proving that even in an industry steeped in history, there is always room for visionary creativity and cutting-edge innovation. Time to move on.


Photo: Didier Gourdon

Moving deeper into the factory, I was surrounded by an array of sophisticated machines, each dedicated to a specific part of the watchmaking process. From CNC milling machines carving intricate shapes out of titanium and Carbon TPT, to various remarkable machines crafting detailed components piece by piece, everything is cutting-edge. Yet, what struck me most was the seamless integration of these machines with the human touch. Skilled artisans, some with decades of experience, operate these machines with surgical precision, their expertise bringing the brand’s vision to life.


Photo: Jerome Bryon

I witnessed the assembly of the RM 27-04 Tourbillon, created in collaboration with tennis star Rafael Nadal. The skeletonized movement allows the calibre to float in its case and withstand accelerations of over 12,000 G. Watching technicians move with purpose under microscopes to assemble these parts was mesmerising, and it drove home the brand’s slogan: “A racing machine on the wrist.”

One of the most impressive aspects of my visit was learning about the materials Richard Mille uses. These are not just any materials; they are borrowed from fields like Formula 1 racing, aerospace engineering, and sailing. I handled pieces made from Carbon TPT and Quartz TPT, incredibly lightweight and resilient materials that felt like holding the future in my hands.


Photo: Fabien Nissels

Richard Mille doesn’t merely use these materials — they transform them, pushing them beyond their known limits to achieve unique colors, textures, and strengths. I was fascinated by their work with materials like graphene, impossibly thin, but 200 times stronger than steel according to Richard Mille. Listening to their experts discuss this relentless pursuit of the perfect balance between form and function was thrilling.

The finishing department was another highlight of the tour. Here, artisans meticulously hand-finish each tiny component, even the smallest ones, with an obsession for detail that was remarkable to witness. I watched as they used a range of tools both traditional and contemporary to finish and decorate each watch by hand, polishing surfaces until they gleamed like mirrors. Components were beveled, with every angle polished to perfection, and the decorative work was sublime.


Photo: Fabien Nissels

The skeletonised elements, revealing the intricate inner workings of the watch, fascinated me. It was like looking into the soul of the timepiece — a perfect blend of art and engineering. This, I realized, was the essence of Richard Mille: every watch is a labour of love, a feat of engineering, and a work of art.

Finally, I reached the assembly line where all the pieces come together to form a completed Richard Mille watch. The process is painstakingly slow, with each component meticulously checked and tested. I watched as the final touches were applied, marveling at the craftsmanship. This is not just watchmaking; it is the culmination of hundreds of hours of dedication, precision, and passion. Technicians conducted final quality checks, each step ensuring the watch meets Richard Mille's exacting standards. Nothing is left to chance; every timepiece is perfect.


Photo: Fabien Nissels

As I left the Richard Mille factory, I felt I had been part of something unique, an experience that deepened my understanding and appreciation of horology. Richard Mille is a brand that does not compromise, thriving on innovation, passion, and an unrelenting pursuit of perfection.

I walked away with a newfound respect for the brand and its people. Richard Mille’s creations are no mere watches, they’re marvels of modern engineering, artistic expression, and relentless human ingenuity. Each watch is a statement, a testament to what can be achieved when creativity and technology are allowed to flourish side by side.


Photo: Philippe Louzon; Jerome Bryon

My journey inside the Richard Mille factory was a deep dive into a world where time is measured not in seconds, but in innovation, passion, and precision. And for that, I am forever grateful.

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