
by Iffat Nawaz

ما وراء البريق: اكتشاف مدن الأشباح في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

17 Feb 2025

The United Arab Emirates — the name conjures images of gleaming skyscrapers, luxurious malls and heart pumping adventures. Behind the shiny surface of modernity, there is another side of the UAE.
Far from the bustling crowds and vibrant city lights, lie barren villages and forgotten settlements — the UAE's ghost towns. These interesting places are full of hidden stories. They provide a special travel adventure, allowing you to step away from popular tourist spots and explore the alluring, often ghostly, remains of the past.
Join The Sandy Times to explore UAE’s most abandoned and scare-inducing areas.

Exploring Al Jazirah Al Hamra: Travel to UAE ghost town

Al Jazirah Al Hamra, also known as the Red Island, is a unique mark of a bygone era in the UAE. It stands in stark contrast to the modern marvels of the UAE, offering a journey back in time to a world shaped by pearl diving and fishing. The village's exceptional architectural landscape, built from the very materials the ocean provided-coral, seashells and limestone, now stands as a spine-chilling beautiful relic.
Al Jazirah Al Hamra, located near Ras Al Khaimah, whispers tales of a once-thriving community. Between the 14th and 16th centuries, this island pulsed with life. Its inhabitants were skilled seafarers who made their living from the sea.
The decline of the pearl industry, coupled with the allure of opportunities presented by the burgeoning oil boom in the 1960s, led residents to abandon their island homes. Families sought new lives in cities and left behind an empty village. Also, rumours of paranormal activities swirl around the town, adding another layer of intrigue to its already spell-binding story. While some deny these tales as folklore they undoubtedly contribute to the village's eerie charm, especially when explored in the afternoon or late night.
Today, Al Jazirah Al Hamra offers a compelling travel destination for those yearning for an off-the-beaten-path adventure. Wandering through the deserted streets, you can't help but feel a sense of wistfulness and a deep connection to the lives that once unfolded within these crumbling walls. Photographers will love capturing the decaying houses, a reminder of the ingenuity of those who once lived here.

Al Madam: A ghost town shrouded in mystery

A different kind of travel tale awaits those who venture into the UAE's less-travelled corners. Al Madam, located about an hour from Dubai, is a hauntingly beautiful village engulfed by the sands of time. It shows a past shaped by human effort and nature's relentless forces.
Built in the 1970s, this small hamlet consists of just 12 houses, a mosque, and a few other structures. The vision was to provide housing for Bedouin communities and integrate them into the rapidly developing nation. Constructed from traditional materials like mud and brick, the village reflects the architectural styles of the era, offering a tangible link to the UAE's heritage.
Barely a decade after its construction, the village was abruptly abandoned. Leaving behind a collection of half-buried buildings. The reasons for this sudden exodus remain shrouded in mystery.
While some attribute the abandonment to supernatural forces, citing tales of djinn — supernatural beings in Arabian folklore — who are said to inhabit the area, the most likely explanation is far more grounded. Locals who were interviewed by the Sharjah Art Foundation in 2018 suggest that the relentless sandstorms that frequently battered the region made life in Al Madam untenable.
Al Madam's mystery is part of its charm. The allure of the unknown, the rumours of ghosts, and the legend of the fearsome Umm Al Duwais add to the atmosphere, drawing those seeking a mysterious travel experience. Once a secluded spot enjoyed by locals camping under the stars, Al Madam is now attracting more visitors.

Exploring the ancient tombs of Jebel Hafeet

في وسط مدينة العين، عند سفح جبل حفيت، تقع مجموعة من المدافن القديمة التي تقدم لمحة مثيرة عن حياة الناس الذين عاشوا في هذه الأرض قبل آلاف السنين. تُعرف هذه المدافن بشكلها الغريب باسم مدافن خلية النحل، وهي ليست بقايا قرى مهجورة بل هي بمثابة شهود صامتين على حضارة ازدهرت في هذه المنطقة خلال العصر البرونزي، قبل حوالي 5000 عام.
تقدم مدافن جبل حفيت نافذة على فترة حفيت، وهي فترة هامة في ما قبل التاريخ للمنطقة. تشير اكتشافات الأوعية الفخارية والقطع الأثرية النحاسية داخل المدافن إلى وجود شبكة تجارة بحرية مزدهرة امتدت عبر الخليج العربي.
قبل فترة طويلة من ظهور المدن الحديثة، كانت منحدرات جبل حفيت بمثابة مقبرة لمجتمع قديم. تنتشر أكثر من 500 من هذه المدافن الرائعة في المنظر الطبيعي، كل منها يرمز إلى براعة وموهبة الأشخاص الذين بنوها. وتركت إرثًا لا يزال يجذب علماء الآثار والمسافرين على حد سواء.
بينما تقف بين هذه الهياكل القديمة في جبل حفيت، لا يمكنك إلا أن تشعر بالدهشة من الحياة التي جرت هنا منذ زمن طويل. إن جمال المنظر الطبيعي المحيط، مع الإحساس العميق بالتاريخ الذي يخيم على المكان، يخلق تجربة سفر استثنائية لعشاق التاريخ.