
by Ashas Bukhari

كيف تختار كرسي الألعاب؟ إليك دليلك

22 Jul 2024


There are few things in life that excite me as much as a good video game. From their modest beginnings as simple entertainment products for children, video games have become a staple of modern entertainment. There is nothing quite like the rush of flying at Mach 2 in an F-14 Tomcat in Digital Combat Simulator World, hurling telephone pole-sized Phoenix missiles at F-16s, and then breaking away as your radar warning receiver (RWR) starts screaming at you to dodge that sneaky AMRAAM that wants to give you a hug. Alas, my significant other does not approve of the RWR’s constant blaring, so a good pair of headphones is always recommended. Now, the problem with an extended gaming session, as many a Civ player will attest (one more turn and all), is the numbness. Oh, how I detest that lack of sensation caused by plopping down on a chair for hours on end. Seriously though, don’t do that. All things in moderation, yes? With that mandatory pep talk out of the way, let us get to resolving this unwelcome restriction of blood flow in the lower extremities through the magic of the humble gaming chair.

What to look for in a gaming chair

As much as I am tempted to tell you to wait for the powers to be to invent those VR omnidirectional treadmills from Ready Player One, and for them to become affordable enough to buy, and then for you to get a place large enough and a spouse willing enough to put up with this ever-growing hobby that threatens to consume your life, I think we can all agree that this is probably not a good idea. So instead, let us turn to the gaming chair. When looking for the ideal gaming chair, the “best” in the market may not be what you need. But here are some things you should always look for:
— Good lumbar support
— Ergonomics
— A comfortable seat
— Options for future customisations
— RGB, because why in the name of Master Chief wouldn’t you want it?
Ok, so RGB is optional at best and probably the last thing you should consider, but all things being equal, the gaming chair that is lit up like a Christmas tree will probably win. Wait, is there even an RGB gaming chair? No? Well, that is what RGB light strips are for.

The gaming chair I want

Wrapped in the bubblewrap output of a small nation, the Cluvens Scorpion Gaming Cockpit is a gaming chair that will send a message if installed in your living room. What is the message? Well, nothing good, but that is beside the point. Made of powder-coated steel, with PU leather over high-quality foam, the “Scorpion” truly is one of a kind. It is a very, very cool piece of gaming kit that comes with pre-wired display ports, an amazing RGB control system and a sturdy, yet comfortable build. You will honestly forget that you are sitting in this chair, immersed in your video game, surrounded by three massive screens (not included in the purchase), and that is the highest praise I can give any gaming chair. Honestly, the worst chairs are the ones that never let you forget that you are inside them. This setup will definitely put a smile on your face, and for that price, it is better.

The gaming chair you should probably get

Now with the fun stuff out of the way, let us get down to reality (boo!) and look at which gaming chair you should really be considering purchasing.

The best overall gaming chair

Professional sitters around the world agree that Secretlab Titan Evo is, without a doubt, the best gaming chair in the market. This is the yardstick by which all other chairs are measured. And it has earned that prized place. Not only is it comfy, supportive and ergonomic, it is a very good looking chair. Legend has it that the Titan Evo is so supportive that it will hold your hand after you get squad wiped in Valorant.

أفضل كرسي ألعاب ضمن الميزانية

الآن، إذا كنت لا ترغب في دفع 5000 درهم مقابل الراحة، فإن كرسي الألعاب Corsair TC 100 Relaxed هو ما يجب أن تنظر إليه. نعم، هذا الاسم يبدو مثل نموذج Cyberdyne Systems Cybernetic Organism بلهجة نمساوية، لكن تأكد أن الشيء الوحيد الذي سيقوم به هذا TC 100 هو إنهاء انزعاج مؤخرتك. لا تنخدع بتصنيف TC 100 ضمن الميزانية. إنه كرسي ألعاب ممتاز للغاية. إنه يقدم التنازلات الصحيحة للحفاظ على السعر منخفضًا، مما يعني أنه لا يزال يوفر أقصى درجات الراحة والأناقة.

أفضل كرسي ألعاب فاخر

كرسي Herman Miller Embody هو قمة في الفخامة. إنه يتسم بالرقي، وجودة الصنع هي كل ما تتوقعه من كرسي ألعاب عالي الجودة. إنه يأتي بتصميم أكثر تواضعًا، في حال رغبت في تجهيز غرفة ألعاب في مكتبك المنزلي. إذا كنت ترغب في الاستثمار في راحة الجسم والأناقة، فهذا هو الخيار الذي يجب شراؤه. كما أن لديه ضمان لمدة عشر سنوات لا مثيل له.

أفضل كرسي ألعاب "مكتبي"

إذا كنت من عشاق الألعاب، مثلي، ولا تنوي إنفاق الكثير على كرسي مخصص للألعاب، أو إذا كنت تريد مظهراً أكثر احترافية بمساحة أصغر، فلن تندم على اختيارك لـ NeueChair. ستبقيك تصميمات الشبكة باردًا لفترات طويلة، وجودة التصنيع لا تترك شيئًا ليتمناه المرء. بالتأكيد، هذا ليس بالضبط كرسي ألعاب، لكن أي مقعد جيد إذا كان يؤدي مهمته.

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