18 Nov 2024
Many people are generally aware of what the term "dehydration" means — if you drink too little water, you may experience dizziness, dry skin, nausea, and overall malaise. From personal experience, I would say that in the overwhelming majority of cases, when you go to a doctor here in the UAE with general symptoms of weakness and feeling unwell, the first question is often, "How much water do you drink per day?"
In 2019, a study conducted in Saudi Arabia revealed that the population overall had a good level of awareness regarding dehydration — more than 90% of participants understood what dehydration means, and 75% were aware of its potential consequences. However, one-third still fell short of the recommended daily water intake. Thus, every third person is potentially at risk of dehydration — a rather alarming sign!
Why is dehydration dangerous?
Dehydration affects the functioning of the entire body. With mild dehydration, you are likely to experience symptoms such as headaches or fatigue. But if dehydration is chronic, it can become quite dangerous. The list of organs at risk seems endless — kidneys, brain, digestive system, and many others. In the worst-case scenario, severe dehydration can be fatal (in case the body loses more than 10% of its water), though for sure this would not typically occur in everyday situations.
How to prevent dehydration — just to drink water?
Yes and no! Dehydration is not just a lack of water; it often involves an electrolyte deficiency as well. Drinking water alone may not be enough, electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and calcium are also essential. That is why proper hydration includes a balanced diet with mineral-rich foods (such as salt for sodium and dairy for calcium etc.). And that is why, for severe dehydration, doctors often prescribe IV drips — they contain the necessary elements to quickly restore fluid and electrolyte levels.
Why is dehydration particularly relevant in the Middle East?
The main causes of dehydration normally include gastrointestinal issues, chronic conditions, aging, and… increased sweating. For people living in plus 30°C almost year-round, the answer is simple: it is just hot. We lose more water through sweat, so we need to consume more fluids and electrolytes. But let us be honest — who really keeps track?
What is more, many people here practice outdoor sports, sweating even more, which leads to a greater loss of essential fluids. That is why many brands (as we will see later in the article) promote hydration solutions with a focus on sports.
Another important factor is caffeine. It functions as a diuretic, which can result in increased fluid loss.
How Businesses in the Middle East tackle dehydration:
Humantra offers electrolyte sachets in a variety of flavors, packed with essential minerals that should be added to your water. It is a great choice for anyone who exercises (though, really, it is for everyone). The sachets help replenish lost electrolytes, making it a simple way to stay hydrated.
The brand’s website explains it clearly: each sachet contains 6 essential electrolytes to help prevent dehydration. Available in 3 flavors, they all are sugar-free, so perfectly suit those who are mindful of their diet.
It is important to note that Humantra is just one part of staying hydrated. Charlie Wright, the founder of Humantra, explains the key difference between their product and regular bottled water: "A lot of bottled water lacks sodium, one of the most important electrolytes our bodies need. Sodium helps regulate muscle function, nerve function, and cognitive ability. Seventy percent of our reviews are people saying they drink more water with Humantra, feeling better, and finding it harder to drink plain water without it. Everyone needs electrolytes — there is only so much plain water can do."
One effective way to build a habit of drinking more water is to drink a glass 30 minutes before and after each meal. You can also use specific apps that remind you of this healthy habit (though be prepared for plenty of notifications). But what if you do not feel like drinking water at all? This is where products like Frio come in.
Frio is a bubble water, available in six flavors, which offers an enjoyable way to stay hydrated. It does not contain any added sugars, preservatives, or artificial colorings. The brand's aim is to make healthy hydration both accessible and enjoyable. Frio's founder, Rashed Almulla, shares his inspiration: "As someone passionate about sports and fitness, I struggled to find a drink that was both hydrating and healthy. This inspired me to create Frio and revolutionise hydration, making it enjoyable for everyone."
Vitamin Well UAE
Although this brand was founded in Sweden, it gained significant popularity here in the UAE and is now available in nearly every grocery store. The brand closely collaborates with the UAE runners community, sports brands, and local wellness bloggers. The different flavours are rich in healthy elements targeting various bodily functions. For hydration the key two are Vitamin Well Reload (containing magnesium for electrolyte balance and B12 for energy metabolism) and Vitamin Well Hydrate.
Unlike the previously mentioned brands, Vitamin Well contains a small amount of fructose, but still, in comparison to sodas and juices, it is much healthier and lower in calories. Their slogan is: "A modern, healthier, and tastier alternative to traditional sodas and sweet juices."
In addition to hydration drinks and sachets, many local clinics offer hydration drip treatments. Some go further and even provide these services at home. So take care of your health — you have all the tools you need readily available.
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