
by Bilal Muhammad

Who Saves And Takes Care Of Turtles In Dubai?

5 Apr 2024

Along the shores of the Arabian Gulf lies a beacon of hope for marine life: the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project (DTRP). In a region often associated with opulence and urban development, this conservation initiative stands as a testament to the UAE's commitment to preserving its natural heritage.

A lifeline for sea turtles

These gentle ocean dwellers face a lot of problems worldwide, from pollution to getting tangled in fishing gear. The waters around the UAE are no exception, and that's where the DTRP steps in to help these amazing creatures.
Started back in 2004 by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the DTRP has one simple mission: to rescue, heal, and set free sea turtles back into their homes in the ocean.
Every year, the project saves and takes care of many turtles that are hurt or sick. They might be trapped in fishing nets or have swallowed trash, suffering from serious problems. But thanks to the hard work of dedicated vets and marine experts, these turtles receive special medical care and attention to help them get better.

Spreading knowledge and love

But the DTRP isn't just about saving turtles. It's also about teaching people to love and respect the sea. Through tours, school programs, and events, the project aims to help people understand why marine life matters. By showing people how beautiful and important sea turtles are, the DTRP hopes to inspire everyone to take care of our oceans and the creatures that call it home.
What kinds of turtles live in Dubai's waters?
Dubai's waters are home to a few different kinds of sea turtles, like green turtles, hawksbill turtles, and loggerhead turtles.
What dangers do sea turtles face in Dubai?
Sea turtles in Dubai deal with a lot of threats, like losing their homes because of building along the coast, pollution from trash in the water, getting stuck in fishing gear, and being hit by boats.
How does the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project work?
The project runs with the help of volunteers, vets, and scientists who take care of the turtles until they're ready to go back to the ocean.
How can people help save sea turtles in Dubai?
There are a few ways you can help, like using less plastic to keep trash out of the ocean, throwing trash away properly, supporting groups like the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project by giving money or time, and telling others about why it's important to protect sea turtles and their homes.
The Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project is like a beacon of hope for sea turtles that are in danger. With its strong commitment to saving, healing, and teaching, it shows the world how much the UAE cares about protecting nature and all its wonders. So as we move forward, let's remember the compassion and dedication of the DTRP and join hands to protect the precious life thriving in our oceans.